Saturday, 24 November 2012

Changes - Chapter Three

So, it's time for the third chapter of Changes and it's time for things to move on a stage in Draco and Hermione's relationship.

Chapter Three

I hope you enjoy. Reviews are gratefully received as always.

Also, it's day 24 of NaNoWriMo and I've written 58,380 words. Hoping to get the story finished by the time November ends or it might never get done.

Happy reading!


Saturday, 17 November 2012

Changes - Chapter Two

Hi everyone, 

Time for the second chapter of Changes and Draco's making his intentions towards Hermione pretty clear.

Chapter Two

I hope you enjoy.


Saturday, 10 November 2012

Changes - Chapter One

Welcome to the first chapter of my new Draco/Hermione story called 'Changes'.

Set after the epilogue, we discover that not everyone was as happy with their lives as Jo would have had us believe.

Changes - Chapter One

I have put the story on as there's nothing much in the way of sexual content, although as one romantic scene later in the story is going to be a little descriptive for the site I've had to mark it as 'M' for Mature, which, according to their categories, means it shouldn't be read by anyone under 16.

As is always the case, I would really love reviews, especially if you enjoy it, although polite constructive criticism is also welcomed. Trolls and flamers will be reported and their reviews removed.

I am also looking for someone who could create covers for my stories as they now accept cover pictures, but I am no good at creating that sort of thing myself (at least nothing decent). If anyone is inspired by the stories, or even just willing to create a cover without reading them, please let me know.

Finally, as ever I am looking for HP stories to read. If you have any recommendations please leave a message and I'll check them out.

Carry on reading.


Friday, 9 November 2012

The Fugitives

"Snape is a fugitive, on the run for the murder of Dumbledore. Hermione and her friends are fugitives, on the run from everyone - This is my chronicle of the events that led to my earlier story 'Grief'."

The first Harry Potter story I ever wrote was called ‘Grief’. It was written in response to my feelings about Snape’s death (and my anger that he was so badly served in Jo’s story) and featured a relationship between Snape and Hermione, although that didn’t become clear until the very end as I'd purposely kept all mention of his name out of the story (unless you read it on Ashwinder, which was a bit of a giveaway as it's a Snape/Hermione archive). 

It was a very well received story and I had many lovely reviews about it, but one reviewer questioned the timeline as I had tried to keep it canon and as she pointed out there wasn’t much chance for things to play out as they did in my story if you go by the events in Deathly Hallows (mainly because of all that camping). 

To be honest I didn’t dwell on it too much at the time, as by then I was well into writing other stories and really it had just been a release mechanism for my own grief at the Potion Master’s untimely and unfair death (hmmm, guess I didn’t really get over that). However, four years later I suddenly realised that actually, what I had written was entirely plausible, if a little unlikely (but hey, it’s fanfic, right?) So I sat down and wrote the complete story of Hermione and Snape’s relationship (which actually fulfilled another request in the reviews for a prequel). 

I have removed ‘Grief’ from the archives as it now appears as the final chapter of this story and see no point in keeping it up. I mention this as a warning for those of you who read ‘Grief’ in its original incarnation, just so you don’t start getting feelings of déjà vu or think I’m plagiarising someone else’s work. ‘Grief’ was all mine and still is, just with a new name and a lot more background, although obviously the identity of Hermione’s lover is no longer in any doubt. 

I have posted the complete story on both Ashwinder and as they were where the original story was housed.

As is always the case I am interested to hear what you think of the story, through reviews or via this blog, especially if you read the original story when it was first published. Do you think I managed to tie up all the loose ends? I certainly hope so.

I have a new Draco/Hermione story which I will start posting shortly (probably over the weekend sometime) called 'Changes' which is set post-epilogue. Apart from that there will be a slight break of service while I take part in NaNoWriMo so I won't be around much. But have no fear, I'm actually using the time to write a Lucius/OFC fic rather than anything original as I only decided at the last minute to take part and thought it would be a good time to tackle a story I had been considering for a while but not actually got round to doing anything with.

As ever, enjoy reading. I'll speak to you again soon.
