Sunday, 25 June 2017

Legend of the Wolf - Chapter Seven

Morning everyone,

I've been busy editing and didn't notice the time, which is why I'm posting this chapter at stupid o'clock in the morning. For this reason, my blog post is going to be short and sweet as I'd like to get to bed by 3 a.m.

This week, Fenrir tells Severus what has happened to him and Hermione and asks for his help to put things right. But will the Potions Master turned Headmaster be able to assist or are the werewolf and his mate doomed?

I hope you're enjoying the story so far. If you are a comment, kudos or a review would be greatly appreciated.

I'll see you next week when I might be slightly more organised (although probably not, knowing me).


Sunday, 18 June 2017

Legend of the Wolf - Chapter 6

Morning all,

I've managed to post before 2 a.m. for a change so I'm feeling quite virtuous.

So this week marks the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone being released (amazing eh?) To celebrate, swanky new 'House' versions of the books have been released and, of course, I had to buy them.

How cool are they? Unfortunately, the lighting in this position doesn't show that the edges of the paperback are the same green as the hardback - my favourite is the hardback, though, with the Slytherin scarf motif. I love these versions!

Presumably, the others will be released as and when they hit their 20th anniversaries so I'll end up with another 2 full sets of the books - to go with the 2 full sets I already have and the illustrated versions that I am collecting as they come out (they really are worth buying as they're beautiful) - obviously I'm ignoring the Kindle and iTunes versions which I also own, along with both UK and US versions of the audiobooks (addicted, me? No, of course not).

Anyway, let's move onto the story. Hermione has made her choice and now she has to honour her agreement with Fenrir. But will it help her in the long run, or will she still be Lucius' captive?

As always, a quick plea from me that if you're enjoying the story I would really appreciate a comment, review or some kudos.

Thank you for reading. I'll see you next week for the next chapter.


Sunday, 11 June 2017

Legend of the Wolf - Chapter Five

Good evening everyone,

So we survived the election, although right now I'm not sure if it's better or worse than it was before - better, I think, at least hopefully in the long term (and I'm talking by the time of the second election that must surely be only a few months away). 

Anyway, enough about all that let's get on to the important stuff, shall we?

This week in Legend of the Wolf, dastardly Lucius is really putting poor Hermione through it, but will she finally crumble and give in to his demands? Read on to find out.

There seem to be a fair number of people reading the story, despite it not being a traditional pairing, but sadly, as usual, I'm not receiving much feedback so I don't know if people are enjoying it or not. 

Hopefully, the fact that I haven't received any critical reviews or trolls means they are. If you're enjoying the story I'd really love a comment or some kudos. That sort of thing keeps us writers going, you know, and really cheers our day.

After that shameful plea, I'm off to do a bit of writing before bed.

I'll see you next week when the outcome of Hermione's choice will be examined in greater detail.

Have a good week and enjoy reading.


Sunday, 4 June 2017

Legend of the Wolf - Chapter Four

Hi everyone,

Unfortunately, it appears there has been another terrorist attack on London this evening, and not wanting to dwell on yet more death and destruction or read comments from those determined to fan the flames even higher, I thought it was time to retreat here and post the latest chapter of Legend of the Wolf.

This week, Lucius continues to be suspiciously nice to Hermione, but you know she isn't going to be fooled by his behaviour, especially when it can't last forever. Lechery and sexual harassment abound but our girl is staying strong and resolute.

I hope you're enjoying the story so far. If so, a comment or kudos would be gratefully received. It's nice to know when people are enjoying your work.

On a separate an unrelated note, for those of you in the UK, this Thursday is election day. Please make sure you go out and vote (or even spoil your ballot paper if you really can't face choosing any of the parties open to you, and the Pirate Party isn't available in your area). 

I'm not going to try to persuade you to vote one way or another, only you know what is likely to be best for your personal circumstances and the future the country has ahead of us, so only you can make that choice regardless of how everyone else around you feels. 

But if you don't vote, then not only do you waste your voice and don't have the right to criticise when things go from bad to worse, but you are actually part of the problem. 

You think your vote doesn't count - it does. In some areas, the voting is so close it would take very few people to completely swing it. But even in those areas that seem unbeatable, you are standing up to be counted. You are telling the Government that they need to take you and the policies you're interested in seriously. So please, go to the polling station on Thursday and make the Government take notice.

But whatever you do this week and wherever you are, stay safe and keep the faith.

Until next week.
