Saturday, 2 November 2019

New story - Sugar and Spice

H A P P Y   H A L L O W E E N

Hi everyone,

Oh wow, it's been so long since I last posted. I can't believe I honestly haven't uploaded a single story this year. Unfortunately, real-life intruded a bit too much and I've had little time for writing. But finally I'm back (and just in time for NaNoWriMo too, although I'm currently at a loss as to what to do).

I've wanted to write a Halloween story for quite some time and this year I finally managed it. Of course, it was sod's law that I then couldn't post it on Halloween as I got caught up with other things, but rather than leave it for another year I've decided to upload it anyway.

The story is called Sugar and Spice and takes its title from the old rhyme.

Ron and Harry make a bet with Hermione that she can't spend Halloween night alone in the Shrieking Shack. She knows it's going to be an easy bet to win - there's nothing in there and never has been, apart from Professor Lupin in werewolf form, and that was many years before. But is she right? And what is Draco Malfoy doing there? 

It's quite a long short story so I've split it into two chapters. the first of which can be found below. 

I hope you enjoy the story. As ever, feedback, kudos and comments are welcomed as long as they're constructive.

Christmas here we come!

Until next time, stay safe and keep the faith.
