Saturday, 28 July 2012

Some Kind of Wonderful - Chapter Six

So we've finally made it to the end of the story and the lemony stuff, which kept the story off of, is about to happen. It's not going to go quite how Draco had imagined, but I'm sure it will all work out in the end.

                       Lumos version                               AFF.Net version

I really have enjoyed writing this story and want to thank everyone who has read it, especially those who reviewed. I'm sorry to the person who thought Draco was too sappy, as I don't suppose this chapter will endear him to them any more than before, but I guess you can't please everyone all the time.

New stuff to come shortly once my beta has finished her work and then it's back to the writing for a while.

Happy, as always, to accept any recommendations for stories to read - any pairing considered as long as it's not slash. 

Take care and enjoy reading.


Sunday, 22 July 2012

Some Kind of Wonderful - Chapter Five

So here we are with the penultimate chapter of Some Kind of Wonderful. It's always a bit of a bittersweet moment for me when I realise that yet another story is almost complete, especially ones that I've enjoyed writing as much as I enjoyed this one. I just hope you're enjoying reading it as much. 

As ever, reviews would be gratefully appreciated, or at least a vote for my story would be nice.

Excitingly, this week saw the return of my favourite HP fanfic author, the brilliant Obsessmuch. I have raved many times over the years about all her stories, especially the astonishing Eden, which I still maintain is the best and without a doubt, darkest Lumione story I have ever read. 

Some time ago, back in June 2010 if we're being specific about it, Obsessmuch began her latest story called Ashes which features an interesting pairing of Ginny Weasley and Lord Voldemort. She published a couple of chapters, which were, as always, incredibly tantalising and extremely addictive, before disappearing for what seemed like forever. 

But finally, oh yes, finally, she has published a new chapter and it was so good that it almost made me cry. Not only does she have the most evil character in Voldemort and his growing obsession with Ginny, who he subtly tries to corrupt, she has introduced an interesting relationship between Ginny and Snape, based upon her similarity, looks-wise at least, to Lily.

I would heartily recommend checking it out, as the woman can tell a great story and her writing is absolutely sublime. 

In a week when E L James' incredibly badly written Twilight fanfic has taken over the world as the best-selling series of all time, outstripping even Harry Potter, and because of its success publishers are about to release re-written classics by authors such as Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters as 'mummy porn' (I'm still shuddering at the monster mash-ups that happened a few years ago) it is good to read something that is so good it almost isn't fan fiction and makes me believe that there is still some hope for literature.

Have an enjoyable reading week.


Thursday, 19 July 2012

Some Kind of Wonderful - Chapter Four

Sorry folks, I completely forgot to post the links for the latest chapter of Some Kind of Wonderful – call it fatigue caused by too much work and travelling and too little sleep.

Here’s the links for chapter four at Lumos and

My beta’s back off holiday and although swamped with stuff I have passed her a couple of short PWP Dramione stories to look at and I have a new longer story in the works which should be about ready to go once Some Kind of Wonderful finishes.

More about them later, but for now enjoy the new chapter and if you like what you read (or even if you don’t and have something constructive to say) please review as it makes my day. Talking of which I’ve had a couple of really lovely reviews for Three Wishes, which really cheered me up because it was a story I’d spent such a long time on and was a bit disappointed not to get much feedback about it.

See you soon

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Some Kind of Wonderful - Chapter Three

Evening all J

The third chapter of Some Kind of Wonderful has now been posted at Lumos and This is where everything starts getting a bit more serious for Hermione and Draco as he opens his heart and she learns more about him than she would ever have imagined.

I’ve finished a couple of shorter stories and am waiting for my lovely beta to come back off holiday so she can give them the once over. Two of them are Dramione stories as I don’t appear to be able to give up that ship just yet – two different stories on one theme to be precise, and the other is a Snape/Hermione story. I also have a longer story (once again Dramione) that is ready for betaing, which may well be my next episodic offering once Some Kind of Wonderful finishes. So, I’m happily still productive at the moment and with several other stories in the pipeline.

Enjoy the chapter and don’t forget I love reviews.
