Friday, 17 August 2012

The First Rule ... 1

So I've just posted a naughty little story called The First Rule...(1) on AFF.Net. This is a very lemony Dramione story and actually came from some aimless browsing of the internet.

You know how you have those days where you follow a link and see something interesting, so you follow that link too and then discover that you've spent hours reading all sorts of stuff you had never intended? Well during one of those sessions, I came across the rules for Fight Club, from the film of the same name. Now I’ve never seen the film, mainly because I’m not a fan of Brad Pitt, and so I have absolutely no idea what happens in it, but the little porn bunny that lives in my brain and occasionally (okay, more than occasionally) raises its ugly head suggested that the rules could be adapted to create a competitive club involved in sex instead of fighting.

As I seem unable to break out of Dramione mode it became clear that it would be an interesting way for the couple to interact. But then I had a problem. My mind began to conjure two completely different scenarios for the story—one consensual and a bit of fun, the other definitely not consensual, although not necessarily any less fun (for some of the participants at least). And so I began to write both stories. The consensual one, which is what this one is, was easy to finish, as it was really just a bit of fluff, but the non-consensual one has turned into something of a behemoth.

Originally, it was a very dark and twisted tale and, I’ll be honest, quite nasty in places, but then I realised that there was a bigger story to it; that around the core of my original idea there was something that wasn’t quite so unrelentingly grim, although still not entirely pleasant, and so I began to write about that as well and softened up the core of the story so it didn’t have quite the shock value of the original. But it’s turning out to be a huge project, far larger than I had ever anticipated.

I don’t know whether I’ll ever get it finished, as it is a difficult story to write well and if I do I don’t know if I will publish as it will depend on how I feel about it once it’s done. But it’s an interesting piece of work and has made me think about what is considered acceptable in storytelling. I know I’m not really pushing any boundaries as there are plenty of published works out there that include rape, and violence and actually there is much worse out there, but it’s pushing my boundaries, and as a writer that can only be a good thing, whether or not the end product is ever shared with anyone but my beta.

Off to catch up with Pottermore as they finally released the first chapters of Chamber of Secrets and I haven’t yet had a chance to look at it. Hopefully it will teach me something new that may one day turn up in my fan fiction.

As ever if you have any recommendations for stories for me to read, please leave a link and I’ll take a look. Oh, and reviews for my stories would be nice, especially if you haven’t yet read them. Please take a look. Hopefully you’ll find something you enjoy.


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