Sunday, 21 October 2012

Sexual Expression - Chapter Eight

And so onto the final chapter of Sexual Expression, which I hope will satisfy all those Dramione fans who were getting a little frustrated with me by now.

Again, thanks to everyone who stuck with the story and all those who voted and left reviews. I really appreciate it. I just hope it was the ending you all wanted!

I actually have quite a lot of stories in the works at the moment, it just depends which ones get finished first.

I think that next up will be a re-working of the first story I ever posted, a post-DH story called 'Grief'. The new story is an explanation of what led up to the events in 'Grief' and that original story will be the final chapter of the new story. There will be more explanation on this when I post, which hopefully should be in the next week or so - although as yet, I don't have a title which makes things a little tricky.

And then I am considering posting a two-ending story called 'Poison' which features either a relationship between Hermione and Severus Snape or Hermione and Lucius Malfoy, depending on which ending you prefer. 

There is also more Draco and Hermione stories in the works (of course), including a rather sad one, which I'm not sure I dare post in case it upsets people.

Anyway, enough from me for tonight. Enjoy the stories and please review. I always read them with interest. Also, as ever any recommendations for stories for me to read are always welcome too.     


Saturday, 20 October 2012

The Rose - Chapter Six

And so it's time for the last chapter of The Rose.

Thank you to everyone who has read the story, especially those who have reviewed. 


Monday, 15 October 2012

The Rose - Chapter Five

Which brings us onto the penultimate episode of The Rose too.

As always, reviews are appreciated, especially if you're enjoying the story and I'm open to suggestions for stories to read too if you have any to recommend.


Sexual Expression - Chapter Seven

So the computer finally died and I had to get another, which took a few days to arrive and with other things going on meant I'm a bit late with posting.

But here we go, it's the penultimate chapter of Sexual Expression and the truth is finally out there, or at least some of it is.

Enjoy reading and I'll see you in a few days for the last part. 


Sunday, 7 October 2012

The Rose - Chapter Four

I managed to get the latest chapter of The Rose onto, but had problems before I could get the link posted here. Some four hours of messing with my computer later and I'm back (for a little while at least) so here is the link:

Enjoy reading and hopefully (computer allowing) I'll see you next week. 


Saturday, 6 October 2012

Sexual Expression - Chapter Six

Hi everyone,

Having a real problem with my computer at the moment. Unfortunately, it's a few years old now and I think it feels it's time to retire. Starting it is always a major chore, but recently has become almost impossible and today took over three hours, which involved many BSODs and lots of system restores (most of which crashed halfway through). Anyway, I finally managed to get it up and running and posted the latest Chapter of Sexual Expression which you can find at the link below.

I'm aware that the chapter is quite short, but it is a vital one. Good things are coming soon, I promise.

Anyway, no lemons in this, just a little heart-to-heart containing a some bad language, but of course, not available to under-eighteens, I'm afraid as its on AFF.Net.

Enjoy reading and hopefully (computer allowing) I'll see you next week. 
