Saturday, 23 July 2016

New Story - Worth the Wait

Hi everybody,

It seems that as ever, time is making a fool of me again. I turn my back for a moment and suddenly another month has passed.

I haven't just been lazing around, moaning about the state of British politics, the (incredibly stupid) Brexit result and the recent (too) hot weather. Absolutely not. I've been lazing around at music festivals too, and drinking lots of wine (in an attempt to forget about the state of British politics, the (incredibly stupid) Brexit result and the recent (too) hot weather).

I have, of course, also been writing.

Today, I unveil a new story, which is quite substantial and is something of a departure for me as it contains a completely new pairing (for me and for AFF.Org, too, apparently).

I can't believe I am the first person in the world to write this pairing, although I guess as one of them doesn't seem particularly popular in the HP fandom there probably aren't that many stories around.

Without further ado, let me introduce Worth the Wait, which is a Percy Weasley/Hermione Granger romance (with some serious lemons).

'Hermione and Percy, one of the great love stories of our time — but will they ever get together, or will events conspire against them?'

As it is very lemony, at least to begin with, it's for over eighteen's only I'm afraid. 

To get the story started I've posted both the Prologue and the first chapter:

(for those who don't care about background ;))

I hope you find the story entertaining. If so I would be extremely grateful for a review or a comment.

I'll be back next week, excited for the release of the new Harry Potter book which is finally about to arrive in our lives (hurrah!) - I can't wait and will be celebrating with everyone else at a midnight release party in London.


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