Sunday, 29 October 2017

Family - Part Three - Chapter Three

Good morning all,

As it's almost Halloween I can't resist posting my pumpkin picture - anything to make the post a little less boring looks-wise. Also, if you haven't done so already I suggest you read/listen to The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury and A Night in the Lonesome October by Roger Zelazny, both of which are excellent stories for the time of year. 

It's time for the latest chapter of Family, and this week Hermione bumps into an old friend. It's time for a good catch-up!

I am really enjoying reading the comments on both sites, so thank you for posting.

I'm sorry that some of you are disappointed that I haven't shown the interaction between Lucius and Hermione in Azkaban, but to be honest, it was never a focal point of my story and so I didn't really consider it too much beyond how it fitted into the wider tale.

Someone also asked how Hermione manages to live without working, which is a good question. My take on this that she is fairly well off as when her parents died Lucius sorted out all their finances for her and wanting to make sure that she had a 'Malfoy' standard of living if/when she went out into the adult world bumped up the account a bit (he was still trying to impress the MoM at that time) – although as both parents were dentists I think they were probably fairly well off already and no doubt left big life insurance policies so she was never going to starve. 

After leaving Malfoy Manor she spent all her time in hospital/at the Burrow/at Hogwarts until she started work, and her flat isn't palatial, rather small and cosy and was bought using her parents' money so she has no mortgage and little in the way of bills. Although she had quite a drinking habit those insalubrious friends of hers were more than happy to buy her drinks in return for sex, so she didn't even really get into debt because of that, and she now lives a quiet life, not spending much except for what she lavishes on her daughter.

Until next week, enjoy reading.


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