Wednesday, 30 December 2020

113 Days Later - Chapter 8

Hi All,

Another early posting (go, me!) and it's the final part of this particular story.

I am intending to write a third and final part to the In Time series but with this enforced isolation (which has now seen me at home, alone, since the beginning of March - honestly, I've seen no one but the occasional neighbour - usually out of the window - and people delivering stuff to me), I haven't been able to write in the way I normally do, so everything is either going much slower or is at a complete standstill. 

Originally, I intended to wait until I'd finished the last story before I posted any of it, but with the year I've had, I was feeling down, so I decided to publish 7 Days, as posting and getting comments and kudos always cheers me up. I then had to make the decision whether to publish this follow-up story now or wait until next Christmas. 

Yet again, enforced lockdown and seasonal depression made me decide to go for it, but I can't honestly say whether the last story will be completed in time for posting next year. Fingers crossed the new vaccine starts working, life can get back to something approaching normal, and my writer's block disappears and allows me to finish both the next story and some of the others that have been hanging around for far too long.

In the meantime, I hope you all have a happy and hopefully healthy New Year.

113/08 - AFF.Org

113/08 - AO3 

As always, if you've enjoyed the story I would greatly appreciate a comment, a review or some kudos. If you didn't enjoy it, I'm sorry it wasn't to your taste. Keep looking there are plenty of stories out there which will be what you're looking for. Whatever the case, thank you for reading my story. Hopefully, I'll see you for the next one.

Until next time, stay safe and keep the faith,


Tuesday, 29 December 2020

113 Days Later - Chapter 7

 Hi everyone,

Before I get dragged down the rabbit hole that is Youtube again (damn you EXO and my need to watch every single piece of content I can find on you), I thought I'd get today's chapter up.

113/07 - AFF.Org

113/07 - AO3

I hope you're enjoying the story still.

See you tomorrow.


113 Days Later - Chapter 6

Good morning all.

The chapter did get posted last night, but it was far too late for me to do a blog post.

113/06 AFF.Org

113/06 AO3

As always, kudos, comments and reviews are appreciated.

Take care.


Sunday, 27 December 2020

113 Days Later - Chapter 5

 Hi everyone,

We're on a real roll. I made it before midnight again, which is good because I'm on the verge of falling asleep. I had a terrible night last night, thanks to all the wind, and only got about 3 hours sleep and it's catching up with me.

So without further ado, here are the links to the latest chapter

113/05 - AFF.Org

113/05 - AO3

See you tomorrow.


Saturday, 26 December 2020

113 Days Later - Chapter 4

Hurrah, I made it before midnight!

Boxing Day is a time for some quiet reflection after the big day (i.e. recovering from the hangover from the day before), and for going shopping in the sales (although obviously, with the pandemic still in full swing out there and everyone locked down, this year it's going to be mainly done online for most people - if they can afford to buy anything in the first place).

For Hermione and Arthur, Boxing Day is a time to reconnect and talk about what happened at the party.

113/04 - AFF.Org

113/04 - AO3

I hope you're enjoying the story so far. If so, kudos, comments or a review would be gratefully appreciated.

See you tomorrow. I would say same time, same place, but we all know how terrible my timekeeping is!


113 Days Later - Chapter 3

Sorry, I'm late again!

Unfortunately, I got carried away watching the Korean drama Kairos, starring the lovely Shin Sung Rok (sigh), and completely forgot about the time, ably assisted by a large quantity of sparkling wine. 

I hope everyone had/is having a lovely Christmas and you aren't too disheartened by the restrictions that may have been placed upon you.

I will endeavour to post tomorrow's chapter before midnight, but here is today's offering.

113/03 - AO3

Until tomorrow, enjoy.


Friday, 25 December 2020

113 Days Later - Chapter 2

Hi everyone,

I'm a bit late, so it's actually turned Christmas Day here and Santa has, apparently, already delivered to us - he seems to have forgotten me this year (the joy of living alone and not having had any contact with anyone since March because of this bloody pandemic). Anyway, enough of my Christmas woes. I do have loads of alcohol so it's not going to matter that I have no presents.

Chapter 2 of  113 Days Later is below. As I'm sure you read 7 Days previously, you'll already know the format, so I don't really need to explain it.

I'm off to bed as I have to be up at stupid o'clock for something happening in South Korea (damn me for being a huge K-Pop stan and living in completely the wrong part of the world for it). Mind you, if I had kids (or grandkids these days, I guess) I'd probably be up at that time anyway.

113/02 - AFF.Org

113/02 - AO3

I hope you're enjoying the story. If so, a comment, review or kudos would be most appreciated.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Have a lovely Christmas.


Wednesday, 23 December 2020

New story - 113 Days Later (Arthur/Hermione)

Hi everyone,

Well, Christmas is finally here, and sadly, for those that enjoy them, there is no Draco and Hermione Christmas story this year as I didn't get it finished in time - sorry, the events of 2020 haven't exactly been conducive for writing, at least not for me. 

We do, however, have the next instalment in what I'm calling the 'In Time' series. This follows on from the last story published earlier this year, Seven Days.

Hermione is joining her friends at the Burrow for the Christmas holidays. But will what she and Arthur began in the summer continue now she's back? And if so, will she still be just a Muggle artefact?

Obviously, it's extremely explicit, so is hosted on AFF.Org and AO3.

113/01 - AFF

113/01 - AO3

Once again, I'll be posting this daily, so I probably won't have much to say, however comments, kudos and reviews are all welcomed.

I hope you enjoy the story.

Until tomorrow.
