Saturday, 29 December 2012

Chapter Eight

Well, it's amazing how not being at work takes up so much time, leaving me no time to post. But here it is, at last, the final chapter of Changes.

Chapter Eight

I really want to thank my beta Mamacita for her help, as always. And also thank you to everyone who has read the story and especially those who reviewed.  
As always I'm on the look out for stories to read myself and would love some suggestions.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Changes - Chapter Seven

So we just have time for one penultimate chapter before Christmas, although if I get a moment I may post the final chapter sometime during the holidays rather than next weekend as I'm on leave for a few days.

Chapter Seven

As always I want to say thank you to everyone who has been reading and reviewing. I really do appreciate it and I'm very proud of the fact that the story has almost 50 followers at this point.

I would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas (or whatever you celebrate at this time of the year) and I hope you enjoy the chapter. 


Sunday, 16 December 2012

Changes - Chapter Six

And so now it's time for the chat with Ron . . . .

Chapter Six

Thank you to everyone who has been reading and reviewing. I really do appreciate it.



Sunday, 9 December 2012

Changes - Chapter Five

Welcome to the latest chapter of Changes, where Hermione and Draco are just about to have a very serious conversation.  Happy days!

Thank you to everyone who is reviewing my stories, especially those who have just discovered my older work. I really do appreciate it and it always makes my day when I see a new comment, especially if it's a nice one.

Happy reading everyone and see you next week.


Monday, 3 December 2012

Chapter Four

I've just posted the fourth chapter of Changes where things have taken something of an unexpected turn. I was a little late in uploading this week as I've just had a brilliant and completely knackering Harry Potter filled weekend at the Snow Ball in Edinburgh, but hopefully the wait wasn't too arduous.

Chapter Four

So NaNoWriMo is over for another year and I managed a grand total of 64,886 words before I headed off to Scotland. I didn't actually manage to get the story finished, but at least the bulk of it is done. As you no doubt know NaNoWriMo is all about the number of words rather than the quality - i.e. a very rough first draft - so I'm looking forward to finally getting a chance to read it through to see what I've got to work with in later revisions. You never know, it might even get uploaded eventually, if I ever get round to finishing it.

Enjoy the latest chapter and please feel free to review. It always makes the heart pound a bit when I get one.


Saturday, 24 November 2012

Changes - Chapter Three

So, it's time for the third chapter of Changes and it's time for things to move on a stage in Draco and Hermione's relationship.

Chapter Three

I hope you enjoy. Reviews are gratefully received as always.

Also, it's day 24 of NaNoWriMo and I've written 58,380 words. Hoping to get the story finished by the time November ends or it might never get done.

Happy reading!


Saturday, 17 November 2012

Changes - Chapter Two

Hi everyone, 

Time for the second chapter of Changes and Draco's making his intentions towards Hermione pretty clear.

Chapter Two

I hope you enjoy.


Saturday, 10 November 2012

Changes - Chapter One

Welcome to the first chapter of my new Draco/Hermione story called 'Changes'.

Set after the epilogue, we discover that not everyone was as happy with their lives as Jo would have had us believe.

Changes - Chapter One

I have put the story on as there's nothing much in the way of sexual content, although as one romantic scene later in the story is going to be a little descriptive for the site I've had to mark it as 'M' for Mature, which, according to their categories, means it shouldn't be read by anyone under 16.

As is always the case, I would really love reviews, especially if you enjoy it, although polite constructive criticism is also welcomed. Trolls and flamers will be reported and their reviews removed.

I am also looking for someone who could create covers for my stories as they now accept cover pictures, but I am no good at creating that sort of thing myself (at least nothing decent). If anyone is inspired by the stories, or even just willing to create a cover without reading them, please let me know.

Finally, as ever I am looking for HP stories to read. If you have any recommendations please leave a message and I'll check them out.

Carry on reading.


Friday, 9 November 2012

The Fugitives

"Snape is a fugitive, on the run for the murder of Dumbledore. Hermione and her friends are fugitives, on the run from everyone - This is my chronicle of the events that led to my earlier story 'Grief'."

The first Harry Potter story I ever wrote was called ‘Grief’. It was written in response to my feelings about Snape’s death (and my anger that he was so badly served in Jo’s story) and featured a relationship between Snape and Hermione, although that didn’t become clear until the very end as I'd purposely kept all mention of his name out of the story (unless you read it on Ashwinder, which was a bit of a giveaway as it's a Snape/Hermione archive). 

It was a very well received story and I had many lovely reviews about it, but one reviewer questioned the timeline as I had tried to keep it canon and as she pointed out there wasn’t much chance for things to play out as they did in my story if you go by the events in Deathly Hallows (mainly because of all that camping). 

To be honest I didn’t dwell on it too much at the time, as by then I was well into writing other stories and really it had just been a release mechanism for my own grief at the Potion Master’s untimely and unfair death (hmmm, guess I didn’t really get over that). However, four years later I suddenly realised that actually, what I had written was entirely plausible, if a little unlikely (but hey, it’s fanfic, right?) So I sat down and wrote the complete story of Hermione and Snape’s relationship (which actually fulfilled another request in the reviews for a prequel). 

I have removed ‘Grief’ from the archives as it now appears as the final chapter of this story and see no point in keeping it up. I mention this as a warning for those of you who read ‘Grief’ in its original incarnation, just so you don’t start getting feelings of déjà vu or think I’m plagiarising someone else’s work. ‘Grief’ was all mine and still is, just with a new name and a lot more background, although obviously the identity of Hermione’s lover is no longer in any doubt. 

I have posted the complete story on both Ashwinder and as they were where the original story was housed.

As is always the case I am interested to hear what you think of the story, through reviews or via this blog, especially if you read the original story when it was first published. Do you think I managed to tie up all the loose ends? I certainly hope so.

I have a new Draco/Hermione story which I will start posting shortly (probably over the weekend sometime) called 'Changes' which is set post-epilogue. Apart from that there will be a slight break of service while I take part in NaNoWriMo so I won't be around much. But have no fear, I'm actually using the time to write a Lucius/OFC fic rather than anything original as I only decided at the last minute to take part and thought it would be a good time to tackle a story I had been considering for a while but not actually got round to doing anything with.

As ever, enjoy reading. I'll speak to you again soon.


Sunday, 21 October 2012

Sexual Expression - Chapter Eight

And so onto the final chapter of Sexual Expression, which I hope will satisfy all those Dramione fans who were getting a little frustrated with me by now.

Again, thanks to everyone who stuck with the story and all those who voted and left reviews. I really appreciate it. I just hope it was the ending you all wanted!

I actually have quite a lot of stories in the works at the moment, it just depends which ones get finished first.

I think that next up will be a re-working of the first story I ever posted, a post-DH story called 'Grief'. The new story is an explanation of what led up to the events in 'Grief' and that original story will be the final chapter of the new story. There will be more explanation on this when I post, which hopefully should be in the next week or so - although as yet, I don't have a title which makes things a little tricky.

And then I am considering posting a two-ending story called 'Poison' which features either a relationship between Hermione and Severus Snape or Hermione and Lucius Malfoy, depending on which ending you prefer. 

There is also more Draco and Hermione stories in the works (of course), including a rather sad one, which I'm not sure I dare post in case it upsets people.

Anyway, enough from me for tonight. Enjoy the stories and please review. I always read them with interest. Also, as ever any recommendations for stories for me to read are always welcome too.     


Saturday, 20 October 2012

The Rose - Chapter Six

And so it's time for the last chapter of The Rose.

Thank you to everyone who has read the story, especially those who have reviewed. 


Monday, 15 October 2012

The Rose - Chapter Five

Which brings us onto the penultimate episode of The Rose too.

As always, reviews are appreciated, especially if you're enjoying the story and I'm open to suggestions for stories to read too if you have any to recommend.


Sexual Expression - Chapter Seven

So the computer finally died and I had to get another, which took a few days to arrive and with other things going on meant I'm a bit late with posting.

But here we go, it's the penultimate chapter of Sexual Expression and the truth is finally out there, or at least some of it is.

Enjoy reading and I'll see you in a few days for the last part. 


Sunday, 7 October 2012

The Rose - Chapter Four

I managed to get the latest chapter of The Rose onto, but had problems before I could get the link posted here. Some four hours of messing with my computer later and I'm back (for a little while at least) so here is the link:

Enjoy reading and hopefully (computer allowing) I'll see you next week. 


Saturday, 6 October 2012

Sexual Expression - Chapter Six

Hi everyone,

Having a real problem with my computer at the moment. Unfortunately, it's a few years old now and I think it feels it's time to retire. Starting it is always a major chore, but recently has become almost impossible and today took over three hours, which involved many BSODs and lots of system restores (most of which crashed halfway through). Anyway, I finally managed to get it up and running and posted the latest Chapter of Sexual Expression which you can find at the link below.

I'm aware that the chapter is quite short, but it is a vital one. Good things are coming soon, I promise.

Anyway, no lemons in this, just a little heart-to-heart containing a some bad language, but of course, not available to under-eighteens, I'm afraid as its on AFF.Net.

Enjoy reading and hopefully (computer allowing) I'll see you next week. 


Saturday, 29 September 2012

Sexual Expression - Chapter Five

And here it is, the latest Chapter of Sexual Expression.

No lemons in this chapter, just a little bad language, but still not available to under-eighteens, I'm afraid.

I have had some great reviews on this story, for which I am incredibly grateful. Interestingly, one of them was spot on with Draco, as they'll be finding out anytime now when they read this latest chapter. Hopefully it should give the Dramione shippers a little something too.

As ever, reviews are welcomed. Please feel free to comment on here if you prefer, or have a story you think I should be reading.  

See you next week.


The Rose - Chapter Three

Hello everyone, 

It's that time of the week again, time for the latest chapter of The Rose

Things are about to get a little unpleasant for Snape's new apprentice. Can he help her out of her predicament?

As always reviews are welcome, as are recommendations for stories for me to read.

Hopefully the new chapter of Sexual Expression will also be up shortly (assuming my computer continues to function properly).  


Sunday, 23 September 2012

Sexual Expression - Chapter Four

Okay, so here it is, finally, the latest Chapter of Sexual Expression.

Sorry it took so long to get onto the site, but I've been having huge problems with my computer and it took a bit longer to get it working long enough to post than I'd hoped.

As ever, I need to warn about lemons, so as is always the case with this story, it's for over-eighteens only.

Apologies if you feel the chapter is a little short, but the next one will hopefully make up for it - in more ways than one! 
I hope you read, and as ever, if you enjoy, please review. I always love a nice review.


Saturday, 22 September 2012

The Rose - Chapter Two

Hi everyone,

Just posted the second chapter of The Rose

I am also hoping to post the next chapter of 'Sexual Expression' later thus evening, so expect the link for that soon.

I hope you read, and if you enjoy, please review. You know I love reading reviews, especially if they're nice ones :) 


Saturday, 15 September 2012

Sexual Expression - Chapter Three

And so onto the second posting of the evening, the latest chapter of 'Sexual Expression'.

Sexual Expression - Chapter Three

Not much to say about it except that as usual it's full of lemons so over 18s only I'm afraid. And for anyone reading who is hoping for Draco and Hermione to get it together all I can say is check out my author's note at the beginning of the story. It tells you what to expect ... and I am a real tease.

I was pleased to get this up this evening as yesterday AFF.Net had disappeared completely, apparently due to some problem with the domain name. I did have a moment of panic that all my stories would be lost, but fortunately they got it all up and running again and so it's business as usual.

Hope you enjoy reading and if you do, please review.


The Rose - Chapter One

Today I have begun posting a new story on called 'The Rose', a romance featuring everyone's favourite Potions Master (no, not Horace Slughorn  as if!) 

Initially this started life as a bittersweet little drabble about Snape receiving a Valentine’s Day gift, but then it grew and suddenly it was a proper tale. The story is AU, as it begins in the seventh year of Harry Potter’s time at school but completely ignores anything that happened in the Deathly Hallows and pretty much anything after about halfway through the Half Blood Prince. So in this story the war hasn’t yet happened, although Voldemort is in the process of consolidating his grip on the Ministry of Magic, and none of the major players have died (although that doesn’t mean they won’t in the future as war may well be coming, and, of course, our beloved Severus Snape is back to being the Potions Master.

It's not in any way lemony - hence it's home on, so everyone can read it.

I hope you read, and if you enjoy, please review. You know I love reading reviews.

Will be posting the next chapter of 'Sexual Expression' shortly, so expect the link for that soon.


Monday, 10 September 2012

Sexual Expression - Chapter Two

The second chapter of Sexual Expression has just been posted to AFF.Net

Classes are continuing and at the moment Hermione is still attending, but will she continue?  

I have already had some positive reviews for this story, which is always nice and it's being rated well too. 

I hope you enjoy the chapter. 


Saturday, 1 September 2012

Sexual Expression - Chapter One

The first chapter of my new Draco/Hermione story "Sexual Expression" has now been posted on AFF.Net.

The teaser tagline for this story reads: Hermione decides to take a class to understand her body’s response to stimulation....   

Pure smut, so over eighteen's only I'm afraid. 

I hope you enjoy and if you do, please review.



Sunday, 26 August 2012

O Equals Outstanding

I’ve just posted a little oneshot featuring Lucius Malfoy called ‘O Equals Outstanding’ on I’ll be honest I have got absolutely no idea where it came from and it doesn’t form any part of any of the stories I’m currently writing, whether Lucius-related or not – just another of those little plot bunnies that popped up and stopped me from what I was supposed to be writing.

I may start posting a new Draco/Hermione story tomorrow, assuming I can get a few bugs straightened out, but that will be on AFF.Net as it is very lemony in content, so definitely for over-18s only I’m afraid.

As ever, reviews would be gratefully appreciated if you take a look.



Friday, 17 August 2012

The First Rule ... 1

So I've just posted a naughty little story called The First Rule...(1) on AFF.Net. This is a very lemony Dramione story and actually came from some aimless browsing of the internet.

You know how you have those days where you follow a link and see something interesting, so you follow that link too and then discover that you've spent hours reading all sorts of stuff you had never intended? Well during one of those sessions, I came across the rules for Fight Club, from the film of the same name. Now I’ve never seen the film, mainly because I’m not a fan of Brad Pitt, and so I have absolutely no idea what happens in it, but the little porn bunny that lives in my brain and occasionally (okay, more than occasionally) raises its ugly head suggested that the rules could be adapted to create a competitive club involved in sex instead of fighting.

As I seem unable to break out of Dramione mode it became clear that it would be an interesting way for the couple to interact. But then I had a problem. My mind began to conjure two completely different scenarios for the story—one consensual and a bit of fun, the other definitely not consensual, although not necessarily any less fun (for some of the participants at least). And so I began to write both stories. The consensual one, which is what this one is, was easy to finish, as it was really just a bit of fluff, but the non-consensual one has turned into something of a behemoth.

Originally, it was a very dark and twisted tale and, I’ll be honest, quite nasty in places, but then I realised that there was a bigger story to it; that around the core of my original idea there was something that wasn’t quite so unrelentingly grim, although still not entirely pleasant, and so I began to write about that as well and softened up the core of the story so it didn’t have quite the shock value of the original. But it’s turning out to be a huge project, far larger than I had ever anticipated.

I don’t know whether I’ll ever get it finished, as it is a difficult story to write well and if I do I don’t know if I will publish as it will depend on how I feel about it once it’s done. But it’s an interesting piece of work and has made me think about what is considered acceptable in storytelling. I know I’m not really pushing any boundaries as there are plenty of published works out there that include rape, and violence and actually there is much worse out there, but it’s pushing my boundaries, and as a writer that can only be a good thing, whether or not the end product is ever shared with anyone but my beta.

Off to catch up with Pottermore as they finally released the first chapters of Chamber of Secrets and I haven’t yet had a chance to look at it. Hopefully it will teach me something new that may one day turn up in my fan fiction.

As ever if you have any recommendations for stories for me to read, please leave a link and I’ll take a look. Oh, and reviews for my stories would be nice, especially if you haven’t yet read them. Please take a look. Hopefully you’ll find something you enjoy.


Wednesday, 15 August 2012

The Trial

I have recently posted a new short story featuring Severus Snape and Hermione Granger called 'The Trial'. Set post-Deathly Hallows, the tagline is:  How much is Hermione willing to risk to help Severus Snape beat an accusation of being a Death Eater? 

You can find 'The Trial' at Ashwinder or, if you prefer, at AFF.Net

It isn't hugely lemony, but there is a smigeon of smut, so be prepared, if that sort of thing worries you at all.

I did have a moment of panic, as having posted the story on Ashwinder, I had completely forgotten (as I always do on that site) to change the status of the story to completed and received some reviews which whilst positive about both the story and my writing, were also unhappy with where it finished and were looking forward to further chapters when it would all sort itself out to their satisfaction. 

I have been fortunate not to have too much nasty criticism over the years, but invariably when I have it has always been because I've gone for Jo's canon pairings and usually that of Hermione and Ron. I'm not sure why Ron engenders so much hatred in fanfic readers, although perhaps that is the reason they read fanfic because they are so opposed to the canon pairings. Whilst I don't ship Hermione and Ron, any more than I ship Harry and Ginny, sometimes you can't help that things turn out the canon way - however hard you try or may hope that it won't. I look at it in the same way as real life relationships. Sometimes Hermione gets the man of her dreams, sometimes she chooses Ron, who may still be the man of her dreams, even though they have so little in common. Let's face it, who hasn't chosen the unsuitable partner at some time in their life? Just because he's none of the things Hermione is doesn't mean he's not right for her - perhaps he's a great shag.

Anyway, this morning I admitted my error to my reviewers and apologised profusely for ruining their dreams, which I hope won't get me flamed. I have to admit that having seen the reviews I did consider whether or not to write more, but after due consideration decided I didn't want to. The story finished exactly where it was supposed to and to try to force a different ending would ruin the story (for me, at least).

However, that doesn't stop people from using their imaginations, just as we do all the time in fanfic, to create the ending they want in their head. I know I've certainly done that on occasion, when the ending of a story wasn't quite what I'd hoped for.

And on that note I'm off to finish a bit of Snape/OFC fic.

Enjoy reading and talk to you soon
